Our Accreditations
PMI is a worldwide advocacy for project management. Projcon is Registered Education Provider (REP) with PMI and can offer professional development units (PDUs) to meet the continuing education requirements needed by PMI credential holders. |
APM , the chartered body for the project profession, will improve the contributions to projects that Projcon is involved in. Projcon being a APM Corporate member and as well as registered training provider, adheres to APM Code of Professional Conduct to demonstrate its high professional standards. |
APMG International is the world’s leading global accreditation and examination institute
APMG accredits organizations to deliver training courses and consultancy services for a broad range of professional certification schemes. Our long history of accrediting organizations worldwide – combined with our rigorous assessment process means that APMG accredited organizations are recognized for their commitment to delivering exceptional service. We have a diverse portfolio of certification schemes including internationally renowned solutions for project, business and IT management, Cyber Security and Public-private partnerships. Our portfolio of certification schemes – supported by our network of APMG accredited organizations makes it easy to find a nearby training course or consultancy service. APMG’s certification schemes, exam and accreditation services support our goal of enabling organizations and professionals to maximise their effectiveness through use of the latest methodologies and core competencies. |
The Association of Cost Engineers is the home for professional practioners engaged in the activities contributing to the effective control of projects and of industrial and business operations. The membership will help Projcon to develop their project control and cost engineering capabilities. Projcon’ s Education arm PCI is supported by ACostE demonstrating PCI’s high professional standards. |
AACE International is a recognized technical authority in cost and schedule management for programs, projects, assets and services. Projcon is AACEI’s Approved Education Provider (AEP) demonstrating the high standards to ensure that continuing education programming is serving the needs of potential clients. EP status allows continuous course improvement through course review from AACEI and as well ability to award Continuing Education Units (CEUs). |
ECITB is the statutory skills body for Engineering construction industry in Great Britain. Projcon is registered Education providers and assessors with ECITB for Project Controls NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications) Level 3,4,5 and 6 (in process). ECITB’s strict due diligence process to assess the financial, technical and legal status ensure its Training providers meets the highest national standards. |
The Utilities Vendor Database (UVDB) and Verify is recognized as the standard for supplier pre-qualification within the Utilities Sector.
Therefore this registration and prequalification system is used by all major UK Utilities to source suppliers and contractors. Verify is focused on Safety, Health, the Environment and Quality (SHEQ) assessments and by registering on Verify, suppliers and contractors will gain a clear understanding of the industry’s requirements. The assessments generate detailed reports of the company’s capabilities that may be used both as an aid to sourcing for the Utilities but also as valuable guidance on improvements for the company being assessed. Through a successful audit, Verify service provides: